The Basics
The CCDDB's mission and policies are based on the Community Care for Persons with Developmental Disabilities Act, 50 Illinois Compiled Statutes 835.
The CCMHB's mission and policies are based on the Community Mental Health Act, 405 Illinois Compiled Statutes 20.
To use this website to register and apply for funding, a recorded workshop can be viewed at this linked video. (
Important Details
To learn about programs the Boards currently fund, use this link or the tab furthest to the right on this page.
The Boards also fund:
The Champaign County, Illinois website contains more information about the work of the CCDDB and CCMHB:
The process for making a FOIA request is described on the County's general webpage linked here. Our FOIA officer is Stephanie Howard-Gallo (email below.)
Many downloadable public documents are posted below for convenience, organized as current or archived. By making information available through this site and the Champaign County Illinois government site, we hope that you will be able to find answers to all questions more quickly and more completely.
Notification of Funding Availability
The Champaign County Mental Health Board (CCMHB) and Champaign County Board for Care and Treatment of Persons with a Developmental Disability (CCDDB) use an online system at for submission of funding requests for the contract year July 1, 2025 to June 30, 2026. Applicants register, complete standard forms for each funding request, and if awarded a contract, submit reports through the system. Per the posted timeline, this system will be open for registration and application from December 20, 2024 at 8:00 AM CST to February 10, 2025 at 4:30 PM CST, with no consideration of late applications. Allocation decisions will be made prior to July 1, 2025. For accessible documents or technical assistance, contact and
Upcoming Meetings
Meetings are held in the Shields-Carter Room at Brookens Administrative Building, 1776 East Washington Street, Urbana, IL with zoom access for board/staff participation, as permitted under Illinois law, and for members of the public:
The CCDDB's next regular meeting will take place February 19, 2025 at 9AM, in person, at the Shields-Carter Room of Brookens Administrative Building, 1776 East Washington Street, Urbana, IL. A virtual option is available for members of the public; participate through this zoom address. ( Meeting ID: 815 5912 4557. One tap mobile: +13126266799,,81559124557# US (Chicago) or +16465588656,,81559124557# US (New York).
The CCMHB will hold their next regular board meeting on February 19, 2025 at 5:45PM, in person, in the Shields-Carter Room of Brookens Administrative Building. A virtual option is available for members of the public. Participate through this zoom address ( Meeting ID: 813 9367 5682. One tap mobile: +13126266799,,81393675682# US (Chicago) or +16465588656,,81393675682# US (New York).
Public Input
- Public input may be given virtually or in person. All feedback is welcome.
- If the time of the meeting is not convenient, you may communicate with the Board by emailing the staff (see below) any comments for us to read aloud during the meeting.
- The Board Chair reserves the right to limit individual time to five minutes and total time to twenty minutes.
- The Board does not respond directly but may use input to inform future actions.
- Agency representatives and others providing input which might impact Board actions should be aware of the Illinois Lobbyist Registration Act, 25 ILCS 170/1, and take appropriate steps to be in compliance with the Act.
Contact Us
The CCDDB/CCMHB administrative offices are in Brookens Administrative Building, Suite 201, 1776 East Washington Street, Urbana, IL 61802, (217) 367-5703.
to reach Lynn Canfield, Executive Director;
to reach Stephanie Howard-Gallo, Operations and Compliance Coordinator;
to reach Shandra Summerville, Cultural and Linguistic Competence Coordinator;
to reach Kim Bowdry, Associate Director for I/DD;
to reach Chris Wilson, Financial Manager; and
to reach Leon Bryson, Associate Director for MH/SUD.